Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Sentimental. Many things you don't even know you still had still exists. These things aren't essential, nor do they serve a definate purpose. I came across a peculiar feeling while i was tidying my room. I picked up an old notebook, there was writing on the first 10 pages or so, and i thought of just ripping them off. Well, when i was about to do so, i started reading the writing. I had used the notebook when i was still in Primary school, and some sentimental feelings shot through my heart. Haha, i just lost all sense of hurry, hatred, and disgust. I was only thinking of the past, nothing else. I proceeded to rip the paper out...through experience, i found that somethings are sweet to keep, but sentimental items keep piling up...to the extent that some of it just has to go. Then i went through some old photos...and yea..pretty amazing stuff. haha..

Started sticking posters on the walls of my room, right now, i've got 2 posters of soccer players, a calender and photo of my soccer team. haha, i'm gonna collect more. If any of you have spare posters of Liverpool players, and you don't want them, save them for me! haha!

I had a pretty bad day today. It was casual clothes day today, and the day started off pretty well. Everyone was in high-moods, checking out what their friends wore to school and stuff like that. haha, however, there was one thing on my mind - To get my soccer ball back. The Year 12 dude who kicked my ball onto the roof of some building said he was gonna give me a new ball on Monday(yesterday). But he never showed up, so i went to speak to him today. I was pretty intimidated, cuz he had 5 friends with him. And i had none. I walked up to him and asked him if he had bought the ball. He answered "No". I wanted to beat him up, he sounded so arrogant, as though he had done nothing wrong. Just then a good mate of mine, Jin, came to support me. Thanks Dude! We engaged in a kindda fierce arguement, but one thing i couldn't stand was his swearing. I was so tempted to swear back. I didn't. I couldn't be stuffed arguing with such a jerk. Went to the Co-ordinator and told him what happen, and he said that he try to help. Hmm...hope i get my ball. haha!

House Atheletics day is starting tomorrow. There will be two days of competition, Wednesday(tomorrow) and Friday. And i'll be running for my House, in the Under-15 division. Humiliation. Can't believe i have to run with boys one year level below me. haha, i know i'm their age..but..i just don't like it. lolz.. It feels kindda good to be the best runner in your house though. haha, it's like an honorary position. Thank God for giving me quick feet! haha!

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