Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I'm unsure of every step i take. My numb mind is being blown over by strong currents of sudden gusts, and i don't know how long it'll last. Sigh... it was a GREAT pleasure to be able to see all my good buddies in school again today. I got drafted in 11D with Tommy, Leo, Laios, Darryn and Narayan. haha! I reckon we'll be able to win the Inter-form Soccer Tournament again this year. I'm pretty happy with my class, but i really miss chatting to Jase and Banh. Sigh... i guess we all have to make new good friends now and then. haha! Joce, i need you here!

Yea, my first day at school wasn't the best one could have. I mean, i felt so lost today. I didn't bring my lock, and so i had to carry all my books home - my bag weighed about 15kilograms -.-""" I had so many things to do on my mind. I lost my pump needle, misplaced my sim card, got some homework from my Business Management teacher, Mr.Dowling. I had to retrieve my blazer from the 2nd hand shop, buy some new pants, buy a new TI-89 graphics calculato,r and fill up the form for my Student Concession card. Yea, it's not funny at all.

Anyway, i guess that's the way it's gonna be for the next two years. I'm gonna be busy-as, and i'll just have to manage my time well.

God encouraged me a lot while i was doing my QT then, and i don't feel as stressed up now.

"This is what the Lord says: 'Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded,'..."
- Jeremiah 31:16

O Lord, i feel lost and troubled.
But i'll make it through because of you.

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