Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Senior House Soccer

It's Senior House Soccer tomorrow, and i'm feeling all nervous right now. All these Yarra guys have got great expectations of me.. pressure for me to perform well. Thinking about it, i fell in love with Soccer the very first time i played it. I remember really clearly that Daryl and Troy forced me to join them down at Lobby 4 at Avon Park. Oh.. those were the days where i just played... because i love the game. It was what boosted my energy, gave me inspiration and determination. I remember playing for 3 to 4 hours straight without losing interest, i played till my feet were sore and bruised... because i loved the game. No pressure.. just love.

If only i could just go out there and enjoy the game tomorrow without everybody watching my feet whenever i've got the ball. haha! I know i'm capable of producing magic, but magic only comes when there's true desire, when there's joy and fun in the game.

We're up against Forrest first up - Laios, Turk, Denholm, Jase... the superstar list goes on. Boy, i can't wait for it. It's the perfect opportunity for me to get rid of the tremendous amount of stress.

Enjoy the game.

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